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all natural menstrual pads

Are you searching for a more convenient and beneficial way of managing your monthly cycle? All Natural Menstrual Pads by Wellcare, you might exactly need this! Our pads are 100% pure and natural ingredients that are gentle on your body and gentle on the planet.

Why switching to all natural menstrual pads is a smart choice

Here are some reasons why Wellcare's all natural menstrual pads are a wise choice. For starters, regular pads and tampons usually contain chemicals and synthetic materials that can lead to rashes, irritation and even health issues. Even the chemicals used can be toxic and irritate our system. Containing no harsh chemicals, fake smells or dyes, Wellcare all natural pads are safe for girls and women of all ages. Our pads are gentle and safe for the body so that you can feel good about using them on yourself.

Why choose Wellcare all natural menstrual pads?

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