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most absorbent maxi pads

Girls, on heavy flow days, a good sanitary pad is essential. During your period, you want to make sure you are able to continue with your day without the fear of leaks and embarrassment or the discomfort associated with wearing pads. They definitely don't want to feel embarrassed while they're out doing something fun, or even doing something serious like going to school or going to play with friends. That’s why Wellcare used the most absorbent material to create the best maxi pads that can retain tons of liquid while keeping you pleasantly fresh and primed for action!

Wellcare maxi pads will keep you feeling dry and confident throughout the day. Every girl has the right to run her daily life without having to feel anxious or uncomfortable because of her periods. Whether you are in class, on the field or out with your girls, our pads are designed to keep you comfortable. Your pad will be less of a concern and you can enjoy yourself and doing what you love. Our pads are so reliable you can go about your day without a care in the world!

Stay Confident and Dry All Day with These Super Absorbent Pads

Wellcare can absorb much more than other pads, which is why they are so effective. Our unique design also helps keep the pad in place, meaning you don’t have to worry about leaks getting on your clothes. Our leak lock protection keeps everything contained all day so you can walk around, feel free and no one will even know you are on your period. Even at these busiest of times, you can depend on our pads to defend you.

Why choose Wellcare most absorbent maxi pads?

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