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period pads cotton

Girls and women; Cotton Period Pads are a very great option you have. They are made from soft cotton and are nice and gentle on the skin. Many girls and women like this softness, particularly at the time of their periods when initially comfort matters a lot. In this article, we will discuss various benefits that make Wellcare cotton period pads a perfect choice for you.

Wellcare cotton period pads contain 100% pure cotton. This is great because cotton is a natural fabric. It does help circulate air, which is important for the health of your skin. It is also soft on the skin which really matters a lot to both girls and women when they have sensitive skin. With cotton pads, you know for sure you are tending your skin.

Say Goodbye to Skin Irritation with Cotton Period Pads

Some types of period pads can make females feel uncomfortable. And if you’ve ever been itchy or irritated by a pad, you may want to see whether switching to a cotton pad makes a difference. They offer a high level of comfort and softness, making them ideal for use. They are produced without any harsh chemicals or synthetic fabrics. Which translate to lesser chances of irritation or discomfort. Users say they feel far better using cotton pads as compared to any other types.

Why choose Wellcare period pads cotton?

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