Since you are a girl, being a girl is awesome but unfortunately there are times that girls have to go through something that is not that great beautiful and fun: periods. A period is when you a girl make changes in the body and managing a period is hard. It can be uncomfortable, even a bit embarrassing, sometimes. But don’t worry! Wellcare Feminine Sanitary Pads are now here to make these days much easier and comfortable for every girl.
Every girl knows there are times when you might leak during your period—and it can certainly be a scary thought. But you don’t have to fret at all with Wellcare Sanitary Pads! Our pads — that awesome leak-proof technology? That said, they're intended to hold everything in place and secured, so you can be confident and safe throughout your day. In school, after-school, and sports, you can be yourself and not be shy. You can laugh, run and jump, and not have to think twice about your period.
Now, let’s discuss a big one: sensitive skin. For some girls, their skin is more sensitive/irritable at that time of the month. It could make things uncomfortable for the players. But with Wellcare Sanitary Pads, you are not going to worry about that! Our pads are made from an ultra-soft material that is gentle and soothing on your skin. It feels good and cozy, like getting squeezed by a smothering blanket. You might forget you are even wearing a pad! Our special soft material means you won’t get rashes or any irritation нет. You can do what you love without worrying about how your skin is going to feel.
Every girl’s body is different, as are her needs when she menstruates. It’s also why Wellcare Feminine Sanitary Pads are available in a variety of size and absorbencies. From small pads to large pads, we got it! Should be Choose right size which will fit on your body. Also, our pads each have a different absorbencies, which can accommodate heavier and lighter things depending on your flow. That way, you can choose what suits you and enjoy the protection and comfort you deserve. You no longer have to worry about having the right pad for any of your needs!
Feel comfortable and happy during your periods with Wellcare Feminine Sanitary Pads. As you do not have to worry about leaks, or discomfort, you can have a fun-filled day! From dancing at a school event to running around outside with friends to just hanging out at home, our pads are designed to let you do the things you love, and not have to worry about a thing. You can just live your normal day feeling confident and free.