It can really feel like being a girl sucks sometimes. Your period is one of the most difficult things to cope with. Your menstrual flow will inevitably arrive and can be an uncomfortable and messy situation if you leak. A leak is when menstrual blood seeps onto your clothes, which can be embarrassing. But don’t worry — for this Wellcare has special to help you!
Are you ever at school messing around with your friends and then you feel something wet? Oh my gosh, that can be so discouraging! That’s especially unfortunate when you glance down to see a stain on your trousers. It can really embarrass you, you can. But with Wellcare’s waterproof feminine pads, that’s no longer something you need to worry about. Extra layers layered to keep you dry as you go about your day.
If you’ve ever experienced a leak during your period, then you know how hard it can be to remove the stain from your clothing. It can destroy your favourite pair of trousers or shirt, and that makes you feel worse. But Wellcare Waterproof Feminine Pads ( presently on sale for $22) could retain your clothes while keeping you comfy. We all know that leak won't pass through a specially made waterproof film, keeping your dress clean. You can wear whatever you want, without ruining your outfit!
It’s normal to feel anxious and self-conscious about leaks when you’re on your period. You may wonder if your pad (or other menstrual product) is or is not working all the time. But you need not panic because of Wellcare’s waterproof feminine pads. There is no need for the constant checking of the pad or the fear of an “oops, there it is” moment when least unexpected. We have pads that will keep you dry and comfortable during any activity like playing sports or if you are chilling with friends; the list is endless.
It must be such a hassle breaking all the changing pads. Switching your pad often makes it difficult to focus on other major aspects of life, such as academics or sports. It sometimes seems that all you do is think about your period rather than enjoy yourself. If that is the case, you really don’t have to worry about changing them out as often when you have waterproof feminine pads like the ones from wellcare. Our pads have extra layers and a waterproof barrier that will help keep you feeling dry for extended periods of time. That way, you can be lost in your passion without worrying about your period.