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waterproof feminine pads

It can really feel like being a girl sucks sometimes. Your period is one of the most difficult things to cope with. Your menstrual flow will inevitably arrive and can be an uncomfortable and messy situation if you leak. A leak is when menstrual blood seeps onto your clothes, which can be embarrassing. But don’t worry — for this Wellcare has special to help you!

No more embarrassing leaks - waterproof pads have got you covered.

Are you ever at school messing around with your friends and then you feel something wet? Oh my gosh, that can be so discouraging! That’s especially unfortunate when you glance down to see a stain on your trousers. It can really embarrass you, you can. But with Wellcare’s waterproof feminine pads, that’s no longer something you need to worry about. Extra layers layered to keep you dry as you go about your day.

Why choose Wellcare waterproof feminine pads?

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