Live Hygiene, Live Healthy. 전문 위생 제품 제조업체

일회용 기저귀 대한민국

Millions and millions of disposable nipple pads are discarded every year. They occupy a lot of real estate in landfills and can pollute the environment in multifarious ways. Disposable diapers are extremely convenient, which is why they are chosen by so many parents. But they don’t biodegrade in nature. These diapers can last hundreds of years to fully dissipate! This means that they linger on in our environment for a very very long time.

Disposable diapers require massive resources, like wood and water, to be made. This process can have implications for forests and water supplies. Using eco-friendly diapers, such as Wellcare's, is also empowering us to protect our planet. These eco-friendly alternatives are made to be gentler on the planet so you can nurture your little one whilst being kind to Mother Earth too.

2) Choosing the right size and fit for your baby's disposable diaper

Wellcare™ breastfeeding disposable pads are available in a variety of different sizes to accommodate the age and weight of your baby. Choosing the correct size is so important to keep your baby feeling comfortable and dry. And if the diaper is small it may be snug and leak. If it’s too big, it may not stay in correctly and can also leak. Our diapers feature stretch sides and waistbands for a snug fit around your baby.

Our diapers are also made of super absorbent material, which prevents moisture from touching the skin. It goes a long way toward preventing diaper rash by keeping your baby’s skin dry. But if your baby does develop diaper rash, don’t fret! Your baby will be better faster with Wellcare diaper cream, that can soothe and relieve irritated skin.

Why choose Wellcare disposable diapers?

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