Ħaj Iġjene, Ħaj B'Saħħtu. Manifattur tal-Prodotti tal-Iġjene Professjonali
Kategoriji kollha

disposable breast pads

Everyday new moms have a lot to do. Raising their babies is only one of many important tasks on their full to-do lists. It is also significant for moms who breastfeed to take care of themselves. One major concern is stopping leaks. That is why Wellcare designed some special that would really come in handy!

Convenience and protection for nursing moms

For moms and their babies, breastfeeding is a really special time. For them, it is a way to get closer and closer. But it can also tend to get ugly at times. Moms who are doing this for the first time don’t realize how much milk can leak out when they’re not feeding their baby. This can occur from between feedings or when they are out and about. Disposable breast pads keep drying up for mother. These pads protect their clothes from leaking. All you need to do is pop them in your bra, and forgot about it! They run quietly in the background so that you can focus on enjoying time with your little one.

Why choose Wellcare disposable breast pads?

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