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all natural feminine pads

Make it a period free zone Periods can be hard and can make a girl feel ashamed Regular pad which contains chemical can cause problems as many girls and women use these pads here. At Wellcare we want to do our part by offering you a natural alternative for feminine care. We aim to make every woman feel at ease, confident and happy on her period.

Our organic feminine hygiene pads are made without any synthetic elements or hazardous chemicals. They are soft and are breathable, allowing your skin to be comfortable, not worry about skin irritation. In this way you can do yours habitus without bothering you and concentrate in those things that you like doing.

The Benefits of All Natural Feminine Pads

Regular pads can cause itching and redness and even infections because of the chemicals they contain. And these problems can make your period more uncomfortable. However, if you believe in using safer products, Wellcare’s natural period pads can offer you a number of benefits!

Better for the Planet: Wellcare’s organic pads are free of harmful chemicals that can be damaging to the planet. When these chemicals are disposed in landfills, the chemicals can leech into the Earth. Choosing our all natural pads, you are making a decision that takes care of the environment, as well.

Why choose Wellcare all natural feminine pads?

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