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Ever heard of ? These are special kinds of diapers that are designed to be made from biodegradable materials. This is not the same as “regular” diapers, which sit in landfills for decades and decades. The biodegradable diaper is an excellent option for the babies since they are soft and smooth on the skin of the babies. At the same time, they enable protection of the environment, which is a vital, shared concern.

Saving the Environment with Biodegradable Diapers

With a regular disposable diaper, when a baby is wearing it, it can take a long time, up to 500 years for that diaper to break down in a landfill. That means that baby, after it has endured and long since outgrown flattening diapers, will still be laying there, locked in place. By contrast, if the same baby uses a biodegradable diaper, then that diaper will decompose a lot easier and quicker. This means it will not affect the environment in the same way as traditional diapers do. They help us keep our planet cleaner and healthier for all.

Why choose Wellcare biodegradable diapers?

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